Software Development

We have the capability to carry out developments and integrations with third parties, all managed through our advanced software factory.

We excel in world-class development, devising innovative custom solutions to meet the specific features and requirements of each client.

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Technologies we
use every day

Front End Web

✔ ReactJS
✔ Angular
✔ VueJS
✔ NextJS

Back End Web

✔ Python with Django or Flask
✔ Typescript with Nest and Fastify
✔ Javascript with NodeJS
✔ Java with Spring


✔ PostgreSQL

Mobile Apps

✔ Native iOS development with Swift
✔ Native Android development with      Kotlin
✔ Hybrid iOS and Android development      with Ionic


✔ Django Rest
✔ FastAPI
✔ NodeJS
✔ Java Spring


✔ Docker
✔ Kubernetes
✔ Dokku
✔ Cloudflare

Tailor-made applications

We have a portfolio of high-quality technologies to bring your ideas to life.

Frequently asked questions

What methodology or framework do you use to develop new technologies?

At Darien Technology we believe that the successful execution of a project depends significantly on the people involved and the particular needs of the case. This is why we are certified in multiple work methodologies such as SCRUM, DevOps, Agile, and traditional methodologies.

What programming languages ​​do you use?

We have a default selection of programming languages ​​that allows us to be efficient and fast with what we do. Under our standard, we offer Front End development with Angular (Typescript) and Back End development with Django (Python). We have more options available if the need warrants it.

What is the added value of this service compared to the direct hiring of personnel?

At Darien Technology, multiple teams work simultaneously with high-quality standards in all areas necessary to develop systems effectively. This experience is not acquired by contracting directly in less than three years, sometimes even more. Therefore, our main added value is the effectiveness of our teams, high standards and experience that allows us to generate more excellent value in less time.

Do you want to turn your idea into reality?

No problem! We are ready to help you.

10+ years of experience
Team with a proven track record
Minimum Viable Products
Network of strategic partners
Design Thinking